And the second two movies for mom :)
I caught a short clip of her army type crawl!
I'm uploading 3 mom. The next one is longer so it'll be a little bit...but here is one .... trying to get maggie but the cat INSISTS on walking in front of me!
Here is Maggie's newest trick....she can shake her head...and has figured out that it also means no! She also will touch your teeth if you ask her where your teeth are too!
Hopefully I can catch this in better light this weekend...but she's trying to become mobile!
Well I found what you can give babies to make their sore gums feel better.....
Well I made macaroni and cheese with broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots in it for Hailey today at Lunch. I decided to pick up the hand grinder last night that mom recommended (THANKS MOM). Mac and cheese grinded pretty well. And maggie loved it. :) She's eating some table food now. And baby banana oat puffs or sweet potato puffs. We'll graduate to cheerios soon.